The 2nd Annual Patriot Awards formally recognizes Southwest Ohio leaders who defend Liberty & the Constitution above all else.

Due to the pending arrival of 45 on Saturday April 23rd we have moved our event so all can attend Donald Trump’s rally in Delaware, Ohio.
- Dinner buffet prepared by renowned Chef Clayton Smith
- Silent Auction
- Speakers
- Award Presentation
- After Party

Located in the heart of Oakley Square in Cincinnati, Ohio, The Iconic 20TH Century Theater offers a unique Art Moderne environment experience and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Taxes on Taxes
The revenue to Hamilton County Parks has gone up approximately 75% in the last decade but apparently that is just not enough. Now they want to double your taxes.
Another example of “Tax the Poor so the Rich can Play“
Most residents do not visit Hamilton County Parks, yet this tax will burden every homeowner with additional financial burdens. No wonder so many describe this as a “Tax the Poor so the Rich can Play” scheme. As prices continue to soar, the many Hamilton County residents on a fixed income have no means to maintain purchasing power. These money grabs will burden many who struggle to meet their utility, food and health bills.
Parks forgot their mission
Parks Mission is: To preserve and protect natural resources and to provide outdoor recreation and education in order to enhance the quality of life for present and future generations.
Sadly, they have drifted far from that and now wish to develop our natural areas. How do they expect our local small business owners to compete in the market place?
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